A New Way to Order with IRT Self-Ordering Table

From a croissant with a latte to a pizza constructor. From adding a slice of cheese to a burger to changing a drink in a meal. IRT Self-Ordering Table allows ordering and customisation in a convenient way.

🍔 Waiter-Free Table Service. Minimum possible human-to-human interaction for the hospitality sector

📈 +32% to average check size. Instant orders, smart suggestions, payment with phone, new digital channel.

🕹 Digital revenue streams on top of the food sales. Built-in collection of apps, SDK for developers.

💻 Menu Management. A great tool for creating a live menu with nutrition info, suggestions, offer options, discounts and more.

👟 Smart, Fast and Unbreakable. 4K own ultra-fast multi-touch covered with diamond-hard safety glass. 100% washable. The only smart table that really works.

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Saturday, September 12, 2020